Mantra is your sound Medicine

Through sound, which is a vibration, we can alter our brain and thought patterns. Thoughts ultimately are nothing else but vibrations as well, vibrations that impact how we feel (high or low vibe). A Mantra is your sound medicine that can help you raise your vibration, change your vibe, the frequency at which you vibrate, very fast.
‘Man’ means mind, ‘tra’ comes from ‘trang’ meaning wave. A mantra is a sound wave that influences the mind. Sound impacts everything we see around us, even the things that may seem very solid, actually at the very core, are vibrating, moving albeit very slow. Everything in the Universe continuously is in movement. You could say everything is vibrating in different densities. Just think of water, at a certain vibration it is fluid, when it is frozen it is solid, the movement or vibration slows down, and when heated the movement becomes very fast and water turns into vapor. Through sound we can alter the vibrational frequency in and around us, as human beings we can apply this power consciously.
Enlightened beings throughout the times have delivered to the world sounds that have a beneficial impact on our state of mind, on our vibration, our inner frequency and we are blessed to have full access to so many of them in this time and age. The sounds they shared where in the ‘Naad’ a sacred sound current that has the power to take the finite person (Na) into the experience of the Infinite (Aad). And such is the power of the Mantra. You don’t necessarily have to understand with your mind what the sounds mean you are uttering, the sound will have its effect as its effect is present, encoded in the sound itself.
All of this for the skeptical Western mind may sound a bit woo woo or like hocus pocus. And there are many minds that feel a lot of resistance towards mantras, because, well, they work directly on the mind. The best thing to do is to make your own experience. Use your voice, chant and listen and feel the effect. Where does the mantra take you? What does it open in you? How does it touch you?
Make your own experience - 22 day Speak your Truth Sadhana
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