11/11 - What's it all About?

On the 11th of November, an energetic portal opens, inviting us to step into higher levels of consciousness, manifestation, and spiritual growth. This is the 11/11 portal, a sacred gateway that holds powerful transformative energies.


But what is the significance of 11/11, and why is it seen as a moment of profound spiritual potential? Let's dive into the deeper meaning behind this cosmic alignment and explore how you can harness the energy of this portal in your own life.


☯︎⁠ The Power of 11
The number 11 is often referred to as a “master number” in numerology, symbolizing intuition, spiritual insight, and enlightenment. It acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, opening up pathways for deep transformation and new beginnings.

On 11/11, this energy is magnified, creating an opportunity for each of us to align with our highest purpose and inner wisdom. The date represents a cosmic doorway, inviting us to step through and embrace our full potential. This year, the 11/11 portal feels especially potent, as the collective energy is ripe for personal and spiritual breakthroughs.


☯︎⁠ Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini energy, often referred to as the coiled serpent at the base of the spine, represents our latent spiritual power. When this energy is awakened, it rises through the chakras, leading to expanded consciousness and profound spiritual insights. The 11/11 portal offers an ideal moment to tap into this energy, using Kundalini practices to facilitate inner transformation.

Kundalini Yoga uses breathwork (pranayama), movement, mantra, and meditation to ignite and guide this powerful energy through the body. On 11/11, these practices become even more effective, allowing us to connect deeply with the cosmic energies of the day and awaken our true potential.


☯︎⁠ The Portal of Manifestation
The 11/11 portal is often associated with manifestation, as it aligns us with the energy of creation. The repeating ones in the date represent new beginnings, giving us the opportunity to reset our intentions and manifest the life we desire. As we move through this portal, we are encouraged to focus on what we truly want to bring into our lives—whether it’s spiritual growth, abundance, healing, or personal goals.

Through practices like meditation, visualization, and breathwork, we can amplify the energy of this day, working in harmony with the universe to bring our dreams into reality.


☯︎⁠ Balance and Harmony
Spiritually, the number 11 also represents balance. It is the union of dualities—light and dark, masculine and feminine, the spiritual and the material. The 11/11 portal asks us to find balance within ourselves, harmonizing our inner and outer worlds. This balance is crucial when working with Kundalini energy, as it allows us to stay grounded while accessing higher realms of consciousness.

By integrating these energies, we can achieve a state of inner harmony that supports both our spiritual evolution and our daily lives.


☯︎ Unity and Oneness
On a global level, the 11/11 portal reminds us of our interconnectedness. The repeated ones symbolize unity and collective consciousness, inviting us to remember that we are all part of a greater whole. As we step through this portal, we are encouraged to embrace compassion, empathy, and love for ourselves and others.

This sense of oneness is amplified during Kundalini Yoga practices, which work to align our individual energy with the universal flow, helping us experience a deeper connection to the world around us.


Join Us for a Special Event!

To honor the energies of this powerful day, we are offering a FREE 90-minute online Kundalini Yoga session called "11/11 The Portal". This practice is designed to help you align with the cosmic energies of the 11/11 portal, using breathwork, meditation, and movement to activate your Kundalini energy and open yourself to new possibilities.

Event Details:

  • What: 90-minute online Kundalini Yoga practice
  • With: Marieke & Tim
  • Available: Monday November 11th, in the morning
  • Cost: Free

*Replay available

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to tap into the transformative power of the 11/11 portal. Mark your calendar, set your intentions, and join us for this special practice designed to help you access the infinite potential of this cosmic gateway.