Looking Back & Looking forward

Here we are, in the last few days of a year we won’t easily forget. Who could have imagined beforehand how this year was going to put everything upside down. Besides the many losses that cause a lot of grief, every crisis also brings an opportunity.
Upside down
The ‘upside down’ analogy works pretty well here when you compare it to the effect of an inverted yoga pose like the shoulder-stand for example. It’s in these kinds of positions we can gain a new perspective of things literally seeing the world upside down. With our feet up in the air we need to reframe our views, letting go of the foundation we are so used to and actually mostly take for granted. At the same time such an inverted posture also gives our hearts a chance to relax, for a moment it has to work a bit less hard to keep the circulation going.
A big reset button
In many ways 2020 has been like an inverted posture year. We needed to come to terms that things we took for granted all of a sudden proved not to be a natural given anymore. We needed to re-schedule, adapt, accept the fact that even though we really like to believe we do, at the end of the day we don’t have supreme control over how life unfolds. Simultaneously, because everything was suddenly called to a halt we had time to breathe, time to step out of the patterns, tight schedules, things we thought were just the way they were and all we could do was participate. This year has proven us, in a quite intense way, there are ways to do things differently. 2020 was a big reset button, ending with a Great Conjunction on the Winter Solstice. The call for growth and transformation is almost tangible as we enter a new era that is going to revolve so much more around the intangible.
Our choice
The way we choose to live our lives is paramount in how the next decades are going to evolve, our everyday choices will make the difference. As this year has shown us, we don’t have ultimate control over natural events that happen on our planet, but we do have a choice in how we shape and direct our consciousness, what we focus on, what we prioritise, as individuals and as a collective. Or to put it shortly, as this spiritual wisdom points out: We cannot control what happens, but we can control how we react to it and we would like to add to that: We can learn to anticipate and bring about transformation.
A wonderful contribution
This brings us directly to a majorly important theme of the upcoming year: the expansion of our minds to allow us to envision and then manifest and embody new ways of living together, in harmony with each other and the planet, our mother earth. We feel and believe the principles of Yoga can be a wonderful contribution towards this goal. Therefore we are excited to invite you to join us for the Free Session ‘Welcoming the New Year’
Free Session - Welcoming the New Year
On Sunday the 3rd of January we welcome the New Year, opening up for the universal energies of creativity, unity and healing. We’ll set our intention together as we embark on a year that calls for the expansion of our minds, inviting us to actively participate in reshaping the world we live in. The livestream is broadcasted on the website of the online school from 8 PM to 9.30 PM CET, participation is free of charge.
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