Pluto enters Aquarius, what does that mean?

You may have seen or heard over the past week that Pluto has entered Aquarius and that it is quite a big deal. Why? Let’s take some time to dive in and through seeing the bigger picture, the macro, understand how this shows up in the world and in our personal lives.
First, some interesting facts. Pluto is the furthest planet in our Solar System and it takes 248 human years for this planet to complete an orbit around the Sun. So therefore the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 248 years ago. This means that nobody alive on Earth today has experienced this Pluto-Aquarius combination, we are all going through this together for the first time. When we look into history to see what happened on the planet 248 years ago we see it was a time of big inventions and discoveries, and also the time of the French revolution which led to many societal and political changes because people no longer accepted to be ruled by the elite.
What does Pluto represent
Pluto is the planet connected to the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth and instigates a process of bringing up everything to the surface that needs to be released from the shadow, what needs to be brought from the darkness into the light. Just as we as individuals need to come to terms with everything that is part of who we are, the same thing goes for the collective. This means that in order to feel whole humanity needs to embrace the shadow, the pain from the past needs to be felt in order to be healed.
The dark side
We all know that showing up to feel can be really uncomfortable, resulting in ways to avoid feeling the pain. This often leads to a projection of the shadow rather than a willingness to sit with it. And we can probably all agree that this is what we see happening again and again on a macro level as well. Pluto is now going to push us on a collective level to embrace the collective shadow and this can get messy and intense. The dark side of humanity and human history is brought into the forefront, into the light, like the atrocities currently going on. We are forced to bear witness to something utterly incomprehensible, we are forced to feel the immense pain that is present in our human collective consciousness, we are forced to deal with the insanity.
What does Aquarius represent
Aquarius is the energy linked to the collective consciousness that affects how everyone thinks and behaves through paradigms and belief systems that are hardwired into our way of thinking. At the same time this is also the energy that pushes against these paradigms, because it longs to innovate and evolve, and if needed revolt against the status quo in order for change to occur.
Aquarius invites us to become really aware how we are programmed by our family, society, by the consensus and ask ourselves: does this resonate with the frequency you wish to emit into the collective web of energy. In its low vibration Aquarius retreats from the world, believing we don’t have the power to change anything about it, we lose the inspiration to funnel our energy towards change and can become overly critical and judgmental. Instead of making a positive or constructive contribution we complain. In its highest vibration we understand our place in the collective and feel and understand that every contribution matters and we consciously emit the frequency that supports the evolution of the collective consciousness. Aquarius calls us to dedicate our intelligence towards shaping a world in which truth and freedom are the values of a new paradigm.
Where does this leave us?
At the point where we are encouraged to realize how powerful we are.
Your contribution to the collective matters.
Your willingness to see and feel the pain and to cry about it matters.
Your willingness to embrace your shadows matters.
Your willingness to speak up for the oppressed matters.
Your willingness to reach out and support matters.
It is this willingness that leads towards unity, that has the power to go beyond separation and compartmentalization. It is this willingness that brings power to the people to rise together against systems of oppression, exploitation and pollution.
Is it going to be easy?
Most probably not. Situations of change tend to bring up resistance and fear. But we all know change is part of life. Here it serves us to refer back to Pluto being the planet of the cycle of life, the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. There is a direct connection between this Plutonian energy and Goddess Kali, a dark manifestation of the Goddess with quite a scary form. Kali is the feminine form of the word ‘Kala’ which means time or death, they are inherent to each other. Every birth is a birth into time and change is inherent to time, without change there would be no time, just as without death there would be no life.
Kali reminds us that before we can rest in sublime grace, we first need to cross through the terrible, in order to ascend we cannot avoid what we try to hide in the closet or basement. At the same time she is showing us that we have the power to cut through all of the negativity that causes us to suffer. Let’s say this energy is quite straight to the point, telling us that we can use the power of suffering as a tool for inner growth and thus remove the negative connotation we project onto it. Kali is the power that helps us to withstand the negative forces of our ego and the emotional turmoil that can pull us down.
The Dark Mother
Kali is the Dark Mother, the power that helps us to face the fears that may rise in this process. In order to overcome our fears the first thing we need to do is to be willing to release them. We do this by daring to enter the darkness, having the courage to face the terrible. In doing so we no longer send these parts of ourselves into exile but we welcome them home. As such, by no longer pushing these energies away, we re-member ourselves and we can feel whole again. By entering the darkness we come to realize it holds everything, the terrible and the magnificent, the whole spectrum of life and the tremendous love that is the ultimate cause. This is true healing.
Holding Space
Through our offerings within the school it is our intention to create a container to hold space for this process. The monthly sessions and our annual training serve as energy medicine to support us showing up in the moment for the full spectrum of our humanness, allowing the energy to move us and through us towards more presence, a presence that can allow us to feel all so we can become whole.
We hope to practice with you again soon! Stay tuned for the next livestream and in the meantime you can always visit our library to choose an energy medicine that resonates with you right now.
Sending you much love and a big human hug from heart to heart,
Marieke & Tim