Decoding the meaning and impact of a yoga practice
This year it’s ten years ago we both started our Kundalini Yoga practice (for the record, we didn’t know each other at that point in time). We had different ways of ending up in a Kundalini Yoga class but for the both of us something clicked.
There was something about this practice that hit home, it felt complete and to the point and most importantly, effective. For me, Marieke, I found a way to finally work through old layers of grief that I was still holding in my body and Tim found a practical yet spiritual approach as how to work with the mind in ways he couldn’t find in his study of psychology. We both dove into this practice all the way, ended up meeting each other during an early morning Sadhana and now ten years down the line we run an online school connecting with people all over the globe, sharing our love for a yoga practice.
Last year besides the pandemic shifting our reality another big shift occurred in the way we work with this practice. Due to the revelations coming to the light within the Kundalini Yoga community related to its founder we could not align ourselves with, we decided to embark on a new path, a path in which we open up the practice to a new approach and we have been sharing Kundalini Yoga in this way since last summer.
The practice of yoga and meditation for example is built around the fact that through our human body we can experience our spiritual essence. Through our practice we can become more and more aware of the energetic undercurrent that is present in every material manifestation, not just limited to the way we experience ourselves but in every aspect of this existence.
The Energetic Anatomy of Asasna - 11 day Sadhana
In the Sadhana ‘The Energetic Anatomy of Asana’ we are sharing all our experiences and insights of the past ten years and infuse it with all that we are learning now, incorporating knowledge and wisdom from other traditions, in order to comprehend on a much deeper level how yoga asanas work and how they work together in a sequence. A yoga sequence is an energetic ‘story line’, consisting of different words (asanas) to impact the way energy flows through our bodies and minds towards an experience. Together we learn the deeper meaning of the words and the grammar, as in how do we put these words together to create a sentence that has meaning and impact. In other words, we learn to speak the language of energy.
You are invited to join us on this journey, which we see as a beautiful prelude towards the teacher training we envision to share next year. For 11 days we explore and practice together with 5 new Kundalini Sequences and daily guidance emails. If you are a Kundalini Yoga teacher already, this will certainly give you new tools and insights to enrich your classes.
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Online Session
If you wish to experience how a yoga sequence impacts you and have an introduction into our new approach, you can start the online session ‘Embodying Spirit’. We’ll share the first sequence of the ‘Energetic Anatomy’ Sadhana, focussing on the element of Ether and how to embody Spirit (Ether) in our physical bodies (Earth).
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